To remove values above a certain threshold in pandas, you can use different methods depending on your needs. Here are some possible solutions:
Clip Method
You can use the clip method on a DataFrame object to limit the values in each column to a given range.
To remove values above 50 in the age column, you can use:
df['age'] = df['age'].clip(upper=50)
Where method
You can use the where method on a DataFrame object to replace values that do not satisfy a given condition with NaN or another value.
To remove values above 170 in the height column, you can use:
df['height'] = df['height'].where(df['height'] <= 170, np.nan)
You can also specify a different value to replace the values that do not meet the condition, such as 0 or the mean of the column.
Boolean Indexing
You can use the boolean indexing on a DataFrame object to filter out rows that have values above a certain threshold in a specific column.
To remove rows that have values above 60 in the weight column, you can use:
df = df[df['weight'] <= 60]
Logical operators
You can also combine multiple conditions using logical operators such as & (and), | (or), and ~ (not).
I hope this helps you understand how to use pandas to remove values above a threshold.
See also: